Workshops January and February 2019 – and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Just back from a lovely trip to the Big Island of Hawaii, with a brief couple of days in our old stomping ground, Oahu, too, and suffering all kinds of jet lag. Feels like the world has moved on and I’m still on holiday.

Here’s me pretending to write while staring at the Pacific Ocean:



However, according to all reports, it’s 2019, which means I’m a year older, as are you (spoiler alert), and it also means I’ll be doing more things near you than I did last year.

Which is good, right? Right?

First up, on January 17 in The Wheeler Centre, Melbourne, I’ll be running a workshop at Writers Victoria on the idea of ‘Show Don’t Tell’. It’s a line you hear a lot as a writer, but is it always right? What does it mean, anyway?

I’ll answer all these questions and more, as well as offering strategies for how to write dynamic scenes, and applying the power of specificity. Exercises, drills, and some learning. What more could you want?

For a brief intro into what I mean, I wrote about it here:

To book the workshop, go here:

On February 9 to 10, I’ll be running a weekend workshop with the lovely folk at Australian Writers Centre, in the gorgeous, inspiring Abbotsford Convent in inner Melbourne. This is an intensive introductory course into Creative Writing, and the perfect way to kickstart your writing for 2019.

Details here:

Creative Writing Stage 1

But wait! There’s more…

There are Many Things happening in 2019 for me — lots of exciting publishing news to announce, plus other opportunities — but will save that for when I’m allowed to go public. (And when my body clock has returned to the Southern Hemisphere.)

Hope 2019 is outstanding for you all, and I look forward to hearing from you via Twitter or Facebook – or even Insta – whenever you feel the inexplicable urge.

Talk soon!
